How to Disable Calls On Telegram [2024]

How to Disable Calls on Telegram – The Telegram application has a setting that can be used to manage voice and video calls. Where these settings can be used to turn off or limit so that other people cannot make calls with you on Telegram.

Temporarily muting calls can be done so that other people do not disturb you when you are busy. But how to turn off the calling feature in Telegram?

How to disable video calls on Telegram can be done through the Privacy and Security Settings menu. Namely, go to Call Settings in Telegram. Where later you can choose several options when disabling calls such as for everyone or only a few contacts.

How to Disable Calls On Telegram

Now in this review, the tech mint admin will present information and ways you can try to turn off or limit calls on Telegram. Please refer to the review on how to disable the following calls.

How To Disable Calls On Telegram

The way to limit voice and video calls on Telegram is to give permission to who can call you via Telegram. So that later Telegram calls will be temporarily deactivated on your account.

How to disable voice and video calls on Telegram is as follows:

1. Go To Telegram Settings

The first step is to run the Telegram application on Android, iPhone, or PC. Then enter Telegram Settings by tapping the Three Vertical Lines icon, then tap Settings.

2. Select Privacy And Security

The second step is to go to Telegram’s Privacy and Security Settings by tapping the Privacy and Security option. So that later you can find the option to turn off calls.

3. Tap Call

The third step is to enter Call Settings on Telegram by tapping the Call option so that Telegram will bring up the option to disable Telegram calls.

4. Select None

Next, please select a call setting that will be used to deactivate calls. Where at this stage, there will be 3 options to allow users to make calls with you. Among them are Everyone, Contacts Only, and Nothing.

Where the everyone option means that you enable calls for all Telegram users. Whereas only contacts mean that you only allow your contacts to call you on Telegram. And to deactivate the call, select None.

5. Save Disabling Calls

Then after selecting No one can call you on Telegram, please save the changes by tapping the checkmark at the top right.

6. Done Deactivating Telegram Calls

Well, now you have successfully tried how to disable Phone on Telegram for everyone. So that later users who call you using Telegram will get a message or a pop up in the form of writing Failed to Connect Call.

Apart from disabling calls for all users, you can also set exceptions for who can or cannot make calls. Please refer to the review on how to add call exclusions on Telegram below.

How To Exclude Calls On Telegram

The method of adding excluded contacts so that they can still make calls is almost the same as the method above. But in this way, namely by going to the Add contact exclusion option.

How to exclude contacts from being able to call on Telegram is as follows:

1. Go To Telegram Settings

The first step is to run Telegram on Android, iPhone, or PC. Then go to Telegram Settings by tapping the Three Vertical Line icon and then selecting Settings.

2. Tap Privacy And Security

The second step is to go to Privacy and Security Telegram by tapping Privacy and Security. So that later you can find the option to turn off calls.

3. Select Call

The third step is to go to Call Settings on Telegram by selecting Calls so that Telegram brings up the option to disable Telegram calls.

4. Tap Add Exception

The fourth step is to tap Add User to exclude Telegram contacts so that they can still call your Telegram account.

5. Select Telegram Contact

Next, please find and select some contacts that you will allow to still make calls on Telegram.

6. Save Call Exception

Then after excluding contacts who can call you on Telegram, please save the changes by tapping the checkmark at the bottom right.

7. Done Excluding Telegram Calls

Well, now you have successfully tried how to add contacts to still be able to make calls to your number.

That’s the information and ways you can try to disable and allow some contacts to make calls on Telegram. How, are there still experiencing problems when temporarily turning off calls on Telegram using the methods above?


Why failed to connect when making a call on Telegram?

This can happen because the destination contact has turned off the call. And it could also be because you are not allowed to call the Telegram contact.

Is it possible to disable Phone on Telegram Desktop?


Is it possible to reactivate calls on Telegram?

You can, by selecting the Everyone option in Telegram Call Settings.


Drawing the conclusion of the review above, how to disable calls on Telegram can be tried through Privacy and Security. The reason is that on the Telegram Call Settings menu you can find a menu to allow some contacts to not be able to call on Telegram.

That’s the review this time that the techmint admin managed to summarize on how to turn off calls on Telegram. Thank you for visiting and hopefully how to disable calls in this article can add insight for all of you.

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