How To Convert Video To Audio On Telegram [2024]

How to Convert Video to Audio on Telegram – Many people want to turn a video into sound only. Where this is usually done to take sound from a video to be inserted into another video.

How to take sound from a video can be done using Telegram. But how to convert video to audio in Telegram?

In the Telegram application, there is a feature that can be used to convert video into audio-only. How to convert video into audio on Telegram is by using a Bot.

How To Convert Video To Audio On Telegram

Where in Telegram there are several robots that function as a means of converting video into audio.

How to convert video into audio on Telegram can also be done to extract sound from TikTok videos, Snack Videos, Youtube or from other videos.

But before getting into how to make sound, please refer to the following review about the Bot converting video into audio below.

Bot Converts Video Into Audio On Telegram

In Telegram itself, there are several robots that can be used to convert video into sound only. Where you only need to enter a link or video where the audio will be taken. Video-to-audio converting bots include the following:

1. YTA Bot

The first Telegram robot to extract audio from a video is YTA Bot. Where the robot can be used to download or convert video into audio-only.

You can use YTA Bot by sending a link or video where the audio will be taken. So that later automatically, the Telegram robot will convert the video into MP3.

2. YouTube Video To Audio

The second Telegram robot for downloading audio from a video is YouTube Video To Audio. Youtube Video To Audio can also be used to extract audio from Youtube videos.

Using YouTube Video To Audio, you only need to send a link or video that will be converted into audio. That way, it will automatically be converted by the Telegram Bot into audio or MP3.

3. Video To Audio Bot

The third Telegram robot to extract audio from a video is the Video To Audio Bot. Where the robot can also be used to download or convert video into audio-only.

You can use Video To Audio Bot by sending a link or video where the audio will be taken. So that later automatically, the Telegram robot will convert the video into MP3.

In addition to the robots above, Telegram also has a lot of useful bots available. Yesterday the techmint admin had summarized the Telegram Bot that was useful for students and others.

Well after knowing some Telegram Bots to convert videos to MP3, now how to do it? Please see the following review.

How To Convert Video To Audio On Telegram

How to convert a video to MP3 on Telegram is by first preparing a video or video link. After that, send the video or video link to the Telegram Bot. So that the Telegram Bot will automatically process it. How to convert video to audio in Telegram is as follows:

1. Prepare A Link Or Video

In the first step, please find the video that will be converted into audio-only. You can get the video link by sharing the video, then selecting copy or copy the video link.

But if you already have the video, all you have to do is prepare the video so that it can be sent to Telegram. So that later Telegram bots can convert the video into MP3.

2. Look For Bots To Convert Video To Audio

The second step is to run the Telegram application on an Android Smartphone, iPhone or you can also use Telegram Desktop. After that, please open the Search menu in Telegram. Then please find and open the Telegram Bot to convert the video to sound only.

3. Open Chat With Bot

The third step is to start a chat with the Bot converting the video into audio. That is by tapping the Start button or Start. That way later the Telegram robot will ask you to enter a video or video link. So that later the Telegram robot can turn it into audio.

4. Insert Video Or Video Link

The fourth step is the process of entering the video or video link. Please tap the sending message field in Telegram, then paste the video link or enter the video that will be made into audio.

5. Wait For The Process Of Converting Video To Audio

Next, please wait for the Telegram Bot process to convert video into audio. This step usually takes some time. Where depends on the size of the video file that is converted into audio.

In this process, the Telegram robot will usually download the audio file of the video that has been sent. Usually the result of converting video into audio in MP3 format.

6. Perform Audio Download

Then after the bot has succeeded in converting video into audio, the results will automatically be displayed. Where the results displayed in the chat room are the MP3 files of the video.

After the Telegram Bot displays the results of converting into audio, please download or download the audio file. So that later it will be stored in the phone storage memory.

8. Done Converting Video Into Audio On Telegram

Well, now you have successfully tried how to convert videos to MP3s on Telegram. This method can be done to convert videos into MP3s from Youtube videos, TikTok, Snack Video or several other video platforms.

That’s information on how to convert video into audio. How, does anyone still have problems when trying to convert video to audio using the methods above?


How to convert video to audio in Telegram?

Converting video into audio by using a Bot.

What is the name of Bot converting video to audio?

There are several Telegram bots to convert video into audio, including YTA Bot, YouTube Video To Audio, Video To Audio Bot and many others.


Drawing the conclusion of the review above, that the way to convert video into audio on Telegram is by utilizing the Bot feature. Where to convert video into audio is by sending a video or video link to the bot.

So this article from techmint on how to convert videos to MP3. Thank you for being willing to visit, and I hope the review on how to convert video into audio above can add insight to all of you.

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